TJ's trek experience to Muddy Creek

TJ and the boys from our ward. Kody, TJ, Christian and Jacob. They were not in the same family but we car pooled two of the boys home with us.

TJ' summer Trek experience.

TJ was able to go to the Muddy Creek Trek with our stake this summer. This is the origional trail of the pioneers. They saw autentic markers out of rock by Brigham Young pointing the way. They also saw grave markers along their journey where some of the pioneers final resting places were. It was a great experience for TJ. It made him appriciate a warm shower and soft beds.
This shirt is my Orthodontist shirt. I am the queen of the bling. I get entered into a contest at Ddr Horsleys office when I wear it on vacation,

San Diego 2011

We visited our time share once again in San Diego. The beach is our families favorite place. Tom and TJ love the wave crashing.